Financial Assistance

  • Does Jewish summer camp seem beyond your reach?

    Don’t let financial constraints limit your child’s potential!

  • If your child has never been to overnight Jewish summer camp, you may be eligible to get $1,000 for camp through the Campership Incentive Program. Go to to learn more and apply. Some restrictions may apply. If you have any issues or questions please e-mail Tabby at

    Are you from Calgary?
    Calgary Jewish Federation’s Integrated Bursary Program is a one-stop solution for families who want their children to participate fully in the joys of Jewish life. Click here for more information.

    Are you from Edmonton?
    Edmonton’s Integrated Bursary Program (IBP) encourages any family that feels they cannot afford to provide a summer camp experience for their children to apply. The Edmonton IBP confidentially assesses and makes recommendations to us based on your financial ability. Click here for more information and instructions on how to apply.

  • If you live outside of Calgary and Edmonton, you may qualify for a scholarship from the Ted and Betty Riback Camp Scholarship Fund at the Jewish Community Foundation of Calgary.

    Click here to learn more about this program that was created to help honour the work of the Riback family did to found our camp community.